Special Reports

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Systems Leadership Versus the Classroom

This special report is about two things. First, learning to lead from a totally different vantage point, one of getting technology to carry way more of the burden of administration, teaching and lea...

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Digital Transition Sustainability

The sustainability conversation is going to go deep in the next few years. Schools will run into all kinds of archaic legislation, competition from consumerization, faulty funding lines, and old pol...

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Going Digital: Speeding Past Strategy, Turning into Tactics

Discernment between curriculum materials has always been the job of educators. Today it is important to discern whether digital learning objects are granular or systematized. Where are they on a sca...

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Remodeling for Digital Curriculum

A rapid digital transition is underway, and at the heart of that is a multiplicity of new software which itself is causing dramatic shifts in how we teach and learn. What’s inside sophisticated soft...

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The 71 Characteristics of Digital Curriculum Special Report

See new updated Paper with more than 100 Characteristics . There are tens of thousands of options right now with the types of digital “things” of learning – Apps, websites, immersive-environmen...

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Digital Curriculum Strategy Model Architecture Special Report

The idea for a Digital Curriculum Transition Strategy Model Architecture came about organically, springing to life from dozens of events, surveys of executives and publishers. What we learned is the...

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