According to Steven Ostler, Director of Product Marketing at Blackboard, “We can look at this as a moment in time in which we just have to slog our way through, or we can look at this as an opportunity to change education permanently and in positive ways forever for future students. I think that's the real opportunity for us. My good friend Leslie Bruton said ‘the 90 days of change led teachers to rising to meet the challenges presented by the pandemic. We saw teachers coupling creativity, with technology to foster student learning during this time. However, the experience of spring 2020 cannot be merely an experiment. It must be the beginning of an evolution of learning where we can redefine what engagement looks like starting this fall.’

“We've already seen quite a few of those changes. And even as far back as, 2019, the research that we worked with project tomorrow led to the release of a report we call the state of K-12 communications. And it was really geared towards this idea that communication is changing. Especially as we look at communication trends and preferences across generational divides. Even then we started seeing changes in the way students preferred to be communicated with parents, the ways teachers were communicating, and the way schools were communicating with their communities.”

Watch this fascinating presentation and learn how a shift in communications led by school closings in March – May 2020 is changing education forever.


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