The Learning Counsel created our Lunch and Learn series as a way to introduce companies, products and services that America’s school districts and independent schools need to be familiar with. In this Lunch and Learn presentation, you’ll hear Lyle Dadian, Director of Instructional Technology at ClassLink.

According to Dadian, “We're going to touch on a lot of information, from access to how to measure engagement, but also how do you get your kids up in digital from day one? How were those accounts created? How much time can you save? How effective can you be? And how do you measure engagement effectively and easily from both the teacher perspective and from an administrative perspective?”

In a nutshell, ClassLink is helping districts solve their top three challenges during this time of hybrid learning: Access, Engagement and Rostering. ClassLink is best known as a single-sign-on company, yet experienced explosive growth over the last year, perhaps because of the many challenges they were able to solve for states and districts doing remote learning. Says Dadian, “We do single sign on. Once the kids log in, all their applications are there based on who they are. If I am a second grader, all my applications will pop up on that launchpad. And then I can one-click into that. If schools, students and administrators are still storing their work on a school shared network drive, we can provide access to that anywhere, anytime. And any device, just like you would expect on a Google drive as well, analytics. How do you measure engagement and how do you do it in an effective manner that doesn't take all day to figure out? We can give you analytics from a classroom perspective that a teacher can easily learn and master in a couple of clicks.”

Watch the video, and see how ClassLink can help you with challenges your district may be facing.


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