LeiLani Cauthen of Learning Counsel News met with Chris Klein, Head of Education at Avantis during ISTE. Imagine someplace called Avantis World and being able to take your students to the moon, float through a blood vessel, time travel and meet dinosaurs, and do it all in an engaging virtual theme park with collaboration from any device and student curriculum resources for the teachers.

Avantis also had news about their Class VR platform, a growing hardware and software framework with upwards of 2,500 original pieces of content, VR video and 360-degree content for VR headsets. The interesting news is that their headsets have local memory in the headset and teachers can push specific content to them – and the player has an offline mode.

One of their modules is a free social engagement tool designed to combat social isolation and improve student well-being called their VRroom complete with characters students pick out and use in various envrironments.

Klein also mentioned they have a “sharing community” called their Eduverse where a growing library of content with interactivity is taking hold for all their users.

Make sure to check them out!