Lifeliqe, a visual learning platform incorporating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and interactive 3D content is partnering with Associate Professor Richard L. Lamb to further research on the effects of virtual reality on learning. Richard L. Lamb is the director of the Neurocognition Science Laboratory at University at Buffalo (see Bio).
“Virtual reality has been lacking some credible research background, and we are honored to cooperate with Richard Lamb to broaden it. I’m positive the research will reaffirm our hypothesis that VR is the way to go in terms of learning,” said Ondrej Homola, CEO of Lifeliqe. The research is planned to examine the changes in learning using virtual reality, but also effects of use of VR on children below 14, which is still controversial topic in dire need of deeper understanding. The research will also focus on children with special needs and within marginalized groups, also an area with urgent need of valid facts.
“I am honored to have the opportunity to partner with Lifeliqe. Working with such a forward thinking company that is keenly interested in helping children learn and explore the world using virtual reality and other educational technologies allows the field of education to move forward and meets the current generation of students on their terms,” commented Richard L. Lamb on the partnership. In his recent interdisciplinary work, Lamb has been researching cognitive processes used during science learning. Lamb’s research draws from educational technology and neuropsychology to examine the factors which may impede or enable learning. Lamb was also awarded numerous research awards for his work.
Lifeliqe is driving innovation in K-12 publishing with virtual reality through Lifeliqe VR Museum that recently launched on Viveport (see video) and also by enabling teachers to create 3D enhanced lesson plans and ebooks with its mobile app. Both of these creations will be used during the research.