Math in the Fast Lane is not a scripted program. Rather, their mission is to take something OFF teachers’ shoulders by providing research-based resources they can incorporate into their lessons every day. Rather than use worksheets, students roll cubes with tasks or select problems on menus. Instead of copying glossary definitions, student use tactile sorts and play games.

Math lessons are learning goal oriented. The program opens with a Standards Wall so that every student sees the connectivity of the concepts. Right out of the gate, students are engaged with robust real-world success starters, to get them fired up about the lesson. Vocabulary is integrated throughout the lessons, because students learn math terms through multiple, varied





Web-based for multiple formats. Math in the Fast Lane is touch screen, which makes it perfect for smart-type boards. In addition, teachers have multiple logins, so that students can tap on along with their teachers, thus reducing the need for copying. Also works well in classrooms without smart-type boards. Teachers just click on their computers as they teach and images project.


Math in the Fast Lane help with:

Math in the Fast Lane merges hands-on learning with a digital resource.  Research-based at every turn, students touch, think, practice, and share. Touch-screen, teachers select openers, strategies for student work, quick checks, and vocabulary.

Grade level:  

3-8, used in 3-8 math classrooms and for additional math support.


Math 3-8, Arranged by math concepts, each unit includes: Standards Walls (visual learning targets,) Success Starters, Formative Assessments and Student Work, Vocabulary, and Scaffolding for math gaps.

Lesson time:  

Teacher flexibility is a huge attribute.  Activities are perfect for station teaching, whole group, or flexible grouping.

Pricing model:

Based on number of teachers. Site licenses are tailored for the unique needs of schools and districts.

Other services:

PD is recommended, but not required.

What makes Math in the Fast Lane unique:

Teachers teach with Math in the Fast Lane. From the opening minutes to the close of a lesson, research on HOW students learn is integrated. 

Design interface:

Touch screen, teachers tap on activities they’d like to use today, such as opener, a quick check, or a vocabulary game. 

Teacher comments:

“I loved having everything right there already made so I could spend my time utilizing the materials and not having to create them.”

“A larger percentage of students were authentically engaged utilizing these resources. Students who were likely to be disengaged before became more authentically engaged.”

“We incorporated compare/contrast, which one doesn’t belong, what is the equation, activators, and sometimes-always-never. They all were FABULOUS!”