The Impero EdAware app helps school staff quickly record and report concerns about student safety – no matter where or when these concerns arise. This includes concerns about bullying, self-harm, suicide and more.

The app is an extension of Impero’s EdAware software which simplifies the recording and management of student safety concerns, from depressive episodes to risky online behavior, to help identify potential safety risks. Schools use Impero EdAware to create a profile for each student and can record multiple types of data related to students’ health, wellness and safety. The app provides additional support by allowing school staff to easily update and access this data on the go, from any computer or mobile device. For example, if a student has a panic attack on the playground or at a school event, the app can be used by authorized school personnel to immediately log that information and access the student’s prior wellbeing history including if the student has a history of panic attacks.

The app, in conjunction with EdAware software, helps schools take a holistic view of students’ wellbeing and can help teachers, administrators and staff respond quickly and appropriately if any concern arises.



Formats/platforms used:

Android and iOS


Primary website’s URL:


Problem Solved:

Safety concerns don’t always arise when a teacher is next to a computer. The Impero EdAware app makes it easier for authorized school personnel to record and track student safety concerns, and access prior history, anytime and anywhere using a mobile device. It helps schools provide a more comprehensive approach to student safety.



Grade or age range:

K-12 teachers, administrators and staff


Pricing model:

Schools must purchase Impero’s EdAware software in order to access the app. Pricing is based on the type of educational establishment and is available in a 1-year rate. There is no additional charge for the EdAware App.


What else is needed?

The school must already have Impero’s EdAware software in order to use the app.


What makes EdAware unique?

Unlike other student safety solutions that are accessible only from desktop or laptop computers, the Impero EdAware app allows reporting from mobile devices anywhere and anytime. This adds convenience as well as immediacy to the reporting of student safety concerns, which helps staff members make informed decisions at the time the concern arises, and it supports early intervention. 



Impero worked with teachers to gather fundamental information about how they work within a classroom environment, identifying a need for simplicity and clarity when designing the interface. Simple, clear and consistent language is used throughout Impero EdAware to reduce the likelihood of text being misread. Impero’s product development team strives to provide consistency across a range of device and operating system types.


Here’s what users are saying:

Lauren Cartwright, Vice Principal, The Sutton School

“Impero EdAware has improved communication as all relevant members of staff now have access to the same information at the same time. Now, rather than one weekly meeting to discuss these concerns, Impero EdAware enables all staff to be notified immediately when a concern or issue arises.”

--Lauren Cartwright, Vice Principal, The Sutton School